Children, teens, and the parents who love them can often be confronted with unexpected emotional and neurological challenges. These may include excessive physical energy, mood swings, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities and insomnia. When a child suffers, the whole family must work to reclaim balance.

As a licensed Montessori teacher, with more than 15 years experience working directly with families and children, Sonja believes real learning happens when connections are made not only in the brain, but in the heart and through the senses. When children and adults feel safe to learn, and are given opportunities to explore through the senses, they will retain more meaningful connections and lessons. 

Non-invasive holistic modalities such as Energywork, Reiki, meditation, breathwork, and aromatherapy can benefit children and teens by promoting relaxation, confidence, and clarity while stimulating the body’s innate healing abilities. Sonja aims to empower children and teens to find their own voice from a place of calmness, balance, confidence, and self-awareness. Her lifelong practice of meditation has taught her that breathwork is not just a technique, but a passport for a healthy body and mind.  Sonja’s approach is playful, gentle, and effective.


Common Questions

  • Energywork with Sonja is held in a safe space. She injects positivity and compassion into each of her exchanges; helping her younger clients safely decrease stress levels, ease social anxiety and pressures in academic life. It is important for children and teens to learn how to process the energy in their environment as well as in their relationships. Energywork can decrease anxiety, depression, mood swings, and inconsistent sleep patterns. Alongside what Energywork can decrease, it also improves concentration and attention, increase empathy, enhances mood and boosts the immune system.

  • Each session begins with a dialogue, seated across from one another. This time is intended to establish a feeling of comfort, trust, and to become more familiar with the room. The client will have an opportunity to smell various essential oils and select which ones he/she/they would like to use throughout their session. Sonja will walk the child or teen through where she will place her hands throughout the session. These locations may include: forehead, next to the ears, base of the head, shoulders, below the clavicle, forearms, stomach, knees, shins, top of feet, and soles of feet.

    On the table, the client’s head and knees will be supported by pillows. With the client’s permission, an eye pillow will placed over his/her/their eyes for deeper relaxation. All clients will remain fully clothed and face up on the table. A blanket may be used for both comfort or temperature control. Soft white noise may be used to enhance relaxation.

    After Energywork on the table, Sonja and client will return to their chairs. Various relaxation and mindfulness techniques may be incorporated. These may include, guided meditations and breathing exercises. Together, Sonja and the younger client will make a custom essential oil blend specifically to meet his/her/their personal goals.

    In the week following the session, Sonja and guardian/parent will schedule a phone or video session. The guardian/parent will have an opportunity share observations since the session.

  • Breath Work is a process of self-discovery, empowerment, and the practice of self-soothing. Breath Work allows one to connect to their breath, coming to a place of balance, inner calmness, and peace within the body. The practice of breath work helps participants open the respiratory system fully; observing the fullness of breath and feeling the body filling with power, strength, and stillness. When Sonja practices breath work with her clients, she guides them into and through moments of self-empowerment where they can learn to release tension and calm the inner critic.

  • The term aromatherapy refer to the deliberate use of plant derived oils to enhance physical and emotional health. Research has shown that Lavender in particular can reduce levels of stress. Lavender is also linked to increased peripheral blood flow (an effective associated with relaxation) and a decrease in blood pressure, as well as positive changes in heart rate variability. in another trial, peppermint and lavender essential oils were associated with increased accuracy while proofreading.

    A number of essential oils are currently in use as aromatherapy agents to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. Other than Lavender, popular anxiolytic oils include, rose (Rosa damascena), orange (Citrus sinensis), bergamot (Citrus aurantium), lemon (Citrus limon), sandalwood (Santalum album), clary sage (Salvia sclarea), Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis), and rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium).

    Other essential oils can help benefit muscle spasms, muscles stiffness, menstrual cramps, and insomnia.

  • While every child is different, Sonja recommends committing to three sessions, each scheduled 7-12 days apart. Time moves very differently for children - they are continually absorbing and moving through new experiences each and every day. Sonja believes this consistency helps her youngest clients learn new tools and receive the guidance and support that helps them recognize when to practice & apply tools in real time scenarios.

  • Prior to meeting with your child, you and Sonja will schedule a 30 minute complimentary call. This call is intended to answer any questions you may have while also giving you the opportunity to share any details or concerns that may be relevant to moving forward.
    At the end of the call, you and Sonja will schedule a first session.